
Power of Formula Driven Geometry: Singularity

Although Revit does not like zero length elements, it allows in Adaptive Components. But if you use an Adaptive as a reference when the length is zero the reference breaks for good.

Even if you use it as a reference in its own family the reference breaks for zero length but recovers for other lengths.
I guess when the Adaptive is zero length Revit says "Ok! It's broken. I'm not gonna make it a big deal and wait for another value."

When I was experimenting on this I've found it quite difficult to achieve an Initial Singularity.
(Positive and Negative values are usually pretty easy to get.)

Using Formulas or an external referrer (like dynamo / API) for referencing overcomes this.

Here is my Formula Driven Snub Dodecahedron (wikipedia):

Archimedean Solids - Snub Dodecahedron.rfa (2015)

Snub Dodecahedron has one data entry parameter, two visibility parameters and five informing parameters.

When e has a positive value:

If we enter zero for the value of e, Revit warns us about the identical instances in the same place:

Hell yea! Identical instances in the same place:

And a negative value to check it's still working:


BIM is all about "I". What If?

You've been asked for the velocity and the throwing angle of a bird with anger management issues to hit the wall on the second level?

Well.. Fear no more!
The velocity and the throwing angle of a bird with anger management issues calculator family is at your service!
(Call this one useless! I dare you! :)

Angry.rfa (Revit 2015)

Angry family has 3 data entry parameters, an informing and a visibility parameter.

θo = Throwing angle
Vo = Throwing speed
t = Estimated impact time
tflight = Total flight time
cheat = Flight path visibility

And this is how it looks when the cheat parameter's checked.
I warn you! It's not as easy as it looks to hit something, especially in complex BIM models!